If you are a business with small packets to deliver on a regular basis, we can help.
You may think the volumes you send aren’t large enough to use an online system for. You may choose instead to use traditional mailing services, manual processing, or use a courier and pay high rates because of your low volume. If this happens several times a month you may want to consider the man-hours involved in that approach.
Get Exclusive Quotes From Carriers
Streamline Shipping
We take the hassle out of time-consuming tasks by providing you with a streamlined shipping solution. We also partner with the world’s premium carriers and have negotiated the best possible rates for your deliveries.
Easy Parcel Booking
Your packets can be booked using our online portal in just a few clicks. Choose from a variety of delivery options, such as tracked, untracked, domestic and international. View multiple quotes online, compare prices and book shipments in a matter of seconds.
Our Packet Shipping Services
Once you have chosen your courier and service, your packet will be collected by the carrier from your collection address and shipped to their destination. It really is that simple.
What Our Customers Say About Us

Register For A free Account
Registering for an account and using our shipping portal is completely free.
Submit your details, and we’ll have a representative contact you, to get you shipping immediately.
Once your set-up you’ll be able to access the portal and book shipments for same day collection. It really is as simple as that.