Why we are highly rated by businesses.
We help business ship goods virtually anywhere in the World, by providing a free, simple online system for booking courier shipments. No contract, no tie in.
View and compare courier prices from multiple carriers in seconds.
Save time, book shipments faster than ever before, in just a few clicks.
Competitive shipping rates from the World’s Leading carriers, UPS, DHL, FEDEX & TNT.
A dedicated Account Manager to look after your business shipping requirements.
UK Customer Support Centre to help resolve queries for you if there is ever an issue.
What people are saying.
“Competitive pricing and the benefit of having an account manager who is genuinely interested in supporting me when problems occur.”
— Mr G Spencer
“Used many a courier over time and found World Options to offer the best service. Their website portal is easy to use. Customer service has been nothing short of outstanding, friendly, quick to follow up on issues and will stay in touch to advise. Keep up the good work!”
— Robert Mitchell
“We have over the years received a very high standard of service, any issues have always been resolved in a timely manner and we highly recommend this company.
— Rachel
“Great support and great service. Couldn't fault them”
— James
“Without doubt, the easiest of portals to navigate as well as unmatched pricing. Cannot think how we managed before World Options. We have used them for several years, week in week out. Very highly recommended.”
— Tony B
“Just superb service and support. Takes the hassle away from shipping. Especially useful when sorting out last minute deliveries from anywhere in the UK. Highly recommended for all businesses.”
— Mark Johnson

Create a free account
With us, you can ship with the world’s largest carriers, such as UPS, FedEx, DHL and TNT and get the great business courier rates at the same time, even if you consider yourself a low-volume business.
We do that by harnessing the power of bulk buying; by becoming a World Options customer you get passed the savings we make with our large volume discount.
Just some benefits of our services include:
View multiple shipping rates within a matter of seconds
Quote comparison between the world's leading carriers
Flexible delivery options
Dedicated customer service
Tracking information worldwide