Measuring and Process Control Ltd
About Measuring and Process Control Ltd
Measuring and Process Control Ltd is a reputable supplier in the timber industry, specialising in providing special-purpose machinery and spares to their clients. With a wide range of products to ship, they require versatile shipping services.
How did Measuring and Process Control Ltd ship before using World Options?
Measuring and Process Control Ltd lacked adequate support from their previous shipping provider, making it difficult to promptly address any shipping-related issues or queries, resulting in uncertainty and delays. With costs being another driving factor, Measuring and Process Control Ltd sought a more cost-effective solution.
What has changed since using World Options?
Since using World Options, they have experienced significant improvements in their shipping management process, including:
More variety in shipping services: Measuring and Process Control can choose the most suitable shipping methods for different products and destinations. With the option to choose services such as Freight and Pallet shipping and the availability of cost-effective rates from carriers like: UPS, FedEx, DHL and Evri.
Efficient Communication: This included better customer support, streamlined communication, and a user-friendly online portal for managing shipments.
Cost Saving: Measuring and Process Control Ltd estimates that they have saved approximately 20-25% on shipping costs, which has positively impacted their bottom line.
What Tip Does Measuring and Process Control Ltd Have For Other Businesses?
“Always save customer’s details on the World Options portal when you ship. It saves a lot of time going forward.”
The Account Manager
Our Franchisee, Ata Mohammed, ensures a seamless delivery for all his customers, including Measuring and Process Control Ltd.